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Admission Ceremony FAQ

The Admission Ceremony will be held on Monday, May 12, 2025, at the Palace Theatre, located at 34 W. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215.

There are several parking options in the downtown area near the theatre.

The ceremony will begin promptly at 2 p.m. EST. Doors to the theatre will open at 12:45 p.m., and we ask that admittees be seated by 1:45 p.m. Please allot extra time for traffic, parking, and crowds.

When you arrive at the theatre, please visit the admittee table in the lobby. You will receive your name card and seat assignment. You are required to sit in the seat assigned to you and you will need to bring your name card to the podium when you are called on stage. Please note: Family and friends will not be permitted to sit in the area designated for admittees.

Because the Admission Ceremony is a Supreme Court session, you should wear appropriate business attire befitting an appearance before the Court.

The result letter in the examinee’s Bar Admissions Portal account will provide details on eligibility. Those who are successful on the exam must also have a Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) score of 85% or higher and Ohio Law Component (OLC) score of 80% or higher.

Tickets are not required. Seating for family and friends is open, on a first-come, first-serve basis. The only assigned seats are for the admittees.

The session will be recorded by Ohio Government Telecommunications. Viewers may watch the ceremony live at: Supreme Court of Ohio LIVE | The Ohio Channel. Video of the session will also be permanently archived on the Supreme Court of Ohio’s website at: Supreme Court of Ohio | The Ohio Channel.

The Supreme Court of Ohio encourages the provision of pro bono services throughout Ohio to address unmet civil legal needs, especially in rural Ohio. In order to best prepare law students for the practice of law and instill the importance of pro bono service, the Supreme Court of Ohio recognizes law students who complete 150 hours or more of pro bono service during their law school career at these students' bar admissions ceremonies.

If you do not plan to attend the ceremony, please email with your request to be removed from the ceremony. All requests should be submitted by May 5, 2025. Upon receipt of your request, you will receive confirmation via the Bar Admissions Portal, which will include instructions regarding the administration of the attorney oath of office and the affidavit for administration of the oath. Before submitting your request, please read the below information carefully.

  • Once you are removed from the ceremony, you cannot be added back.
  • You must make your own arrangements to be sworn in.
  • Your oath must be administered by a state or federal court judge.
  • You may be sworn in by any means of teleconferencing (i.e., Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, GoToMeetings, etc.)
  • If possible, please arrange to take your oath on May 12, 2025, the date of the admission ceremony. If you are sworn in after May 12, 2025, you will be required to pay $30 for a new wall certificate.
  • You may not be sworn in beforeMay 12, 2025.

Contact Information

Office of Bar Admissions
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 South Front Street, 5th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Michel Jendretzky, Esq.

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