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Commission on Certification of Attorneys as Specialists

The Supreme Court of Ohio created the Commission on Certification of Attorneys as Specialists (Commission) to aide in the administration of attorney specialization in Ohio under Gov.Bar R. XIV - (Certification of Attorneys as Specialists). Effective April 15, 2024, that rule was amended. Under the new rule, the Commission is still responsible for accrediting organizations to provide certification programs; however, unaccredited organizations are now also permitted to offer certification programs within the State of Ohio. Additionally, organizations no longer need to seek approval by the Commission or the Court in order to establish new fields of law subject to specialization. The Commission is still responsible for ensuring that accredited organizations and their programs are compliant with the Rule.

Related Links:

Accredited Organizations

The commission has accredited three organizations to certify attorneys as specialists.

The Supreme Court previously approved 20 fields of law subject to specialization certification. However, under the amendments to Gov. Bar R. XIV, effective April 15, 2024, the commission no longer recommends fields of law to the Supreme Court for approval. Under the amended rule, organizations now have the ability to offer certification programs in any field of law. Organizations accredited by the Commission must still illustrate that the certification programs that they offer meet the requirements of the Rule.

To find a certified specialist, contact an accredited organizations directly for a list of certified specialists in your area of interest.

If you are interested in becoming a certified specialist, please review Gov. Bar R. XIV. You should also contact the accredited organization that offers a certification program in the area of law in which you are interested.

Contact Information

Commission on Certification of Attorneys as Specialists
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 South Front Street, 5th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3431

Secretary to the Board:
Britney Cider, Esq.

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