Articles - Sharon L. Kennedy
Justice Kennedy Featured in University of Cincinnati Law School Publication
November 15, 2013In 2013, the Cincinnati Enquirer named Justice Kennedy a "woman to watch" because she is the first Butler County resident in 150 years to hold a seat on the Ohio Supreme Court. Not only that, she is the only justice from the Greater Cincinnati area and the first from Southwest Ohio since 1994.
Supreme Court
- Overview
- Overview
- History of the Moyer Judicial Center
- "Justice Finds a Home" documentary
- Original Dedication
- Contemporary Art
- Overview
- Elevator Lobby
- Overview
- William Henry Harrison
- Ulysses S. Grant
- Rutherford Birchard Hayes
- James Abram Garfield
- Benjamin Harrison
- Salmon Portland Chase
- Stanley Matthews
- William McKinley
- William Howard Taft
- Warren Gamaliel Harding
- William Rufus Day
- John McLean
- John Hessin Clarke
- Noah Haynes Swayne
- Joseph Warren Keifer
- Nicholas Longworth
- Harold Hitz Burton
- Potter Stewart
- Edwin McMasters Stanton
- Kingsley Arter Taft
- Morrison Remick Waite
- William Burnham Woods
- North Hearing Room
- Kingsley A. Taft Map Room
- Courtroom
- South Hearing Room
- Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer Biography
- Awards and Honors
- Touring
- Planning Events
- Directions & Parking
- Visitor Screening Policy
- Building Brochure
- Regulations
- Tour Guide Volunteer Opportunities
- Public Use Permit Application
- Supreme Court Justices
- Justices 1803 to Present
- Jurisdiction & Authority
- Administrative Director
- Reports & Publications
- History of the Supreme Court
- Justices by Term Since 1913
- Appeals Courts
- Complaints About Attorneys and Judges
- Related Websites
- Court of Claims
- Overview
- I. General
- II. Overview of the Courts
- III. Characteristics and Skills of an Effective Court Manager
- IV. Administrative Functions
- V. Operational Functions
- VI. Court-Related Functions
- VII. Specific Topics Regarding Court Jurisdictions
- VIII. General Resources and References
- Court Reporting Chart
- Bench Cards, Guides & Toolkits
- BCI & NICS Reporting
- Overview
- Publications & Resources
- Overview
- Divorce Without Children
- Divorce With Children
- Dissolution Without Children
- Dissolution With Children
- Parentage, Allocation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities, and Parenting Time
- Change in Parenting Time
- Change in Allocation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities
- Change in Child Support, Medical Support, Tax Exemption, or Other Child-Related Expenses
- Request the Enforcement of a Court Order and Hold the Other Party in Contempt for Violating the Court Order
- Court Cafe: Knowledge in an Hour
- Permanency Docket Quarterly
- Overview
- Civil Stalking Protection Order Mediation Rules and Forms
- OH-Resolve
- School Attendance
- History
- Rules & Legislation
- Options for Resolving Disputes
- Court-Connected Mediation in Ohio
- Mediation Program Resources
- Oregon Municipal Court Program Model
- Mediation Institutionalization Project
- Government Conflict Resolution Services (GCRS)
- Outside Approved Mediation Trainings Pursuant to Rule 16
- Education & Training
- Dispute Resolution Roundtables
- Settlement Week
- Judicial Assignment Program
- Overview
- Superintendence Rules and Code of Professional Conduct for Court Interpreters and Translators
- Court Interpreter Credentialing Process
- Court Interpreter Credentialing Program
- Continuing Interpreter Education Requirements
- Translated Forms
- General Resources for Court Interpreters
- Resource Materials for Exam Preparation
- Denial of Access to Interpreter Complaint Forms
- Information for Deaf & Limited-English Litigants
- Compliant Resolution Process
- Legal Requirements for Language Access
- Language Services Section Schedule of Events
- Language Access Compliance
- Mayor's Courts
- Security Services
- Statistical Reporting
- Overview
- Case Management
- Domestic Violence
- Language Services
- Overview
- Protecting the Homefront
- On the Hustings
- Recovering From Campaign Activities - A Note to Judges
- You Want to Do What?
- A Teenage Perspective 2009
- Advisory Committee on the Judicial Family Network Resource Contact Program
- Contributing to a Healthy Judiciary: One Spouse's Agenda 2007
- Learning by Living in a Judicial Family (2003)
- Living with a Judge - 2007
- My Story: Judge Michael J. Murphy
- Put Your Marriage in your In-Box
- Swearing-In Ceremony Do's and Don'ts
- The Mindful Lawyer: Mindfulness Meditation and Law Practice The Vermont Bar Journal - Summer 2007
- Capital Case Attorney Fee Council
- Criminal Sentencing Commission
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