Law Library Services
Active Ohio attorneys in good standing and state employees will be able to check out up to five print items at a time upon approval for a library card. Active Ohio attorneys in good standing can check out one eBook at a time from our Lexis eBook Library.
- Patrons who are permitted to borrow print items can check out print materials for two weeks in the following categories: texts & treatises; federal; state materials other than Ohio; international; and bound volumes of legal periodicals. Patrons may renew these items twice, either in person, by telephone or online.
Patrons who are permitted to borrow eBooks from the eBook Library can check out an item for seven days.
Patrons will not be permitted to check out materials in the following categories: Reference and Ohio print materials.
All library materials are subject to recall when needed by the Court.
Chronic late returns of library materials can result in the loss of borrowing privileges.
- Patrons will be charged 10 cents per page for photocopies and computer printouts. Patrons may also email documents to themselves from the patron access computers.
- State employees may receive copies free of charge after having signed-in at the front desk.
- Payments can be made by check or money order. Patrons will be invoiced.
- All patrons requesting borrowing privileges must complete an application form.
- Patrons must provide a street address.
Law Library
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