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Online Databases

The Supreme Court of Ohio Law Library subscribes to a number of online databases. Court personnel have full access to the databases either from their work computers or by obtaining usernames and/or passwords via the Library. Public patrons may access those databases marked with an asterisk (*) from Library computers, but must seek assistance from a Library staff member for the other databases.

Court employees should use the ID that was issued to them. Public patrons can use the Library's public subscription by making a reservation.

*Lexis eBook Library
This eBook collection includes Ohio handbooks, practice manuals, and treatises as well as some federal titles. Court employees should use the ID that was issued to them. Active Ohio attorneys in good standing can request access by completing a Library Card Application. All patrons may access eBooks on patron computers in the Library. No password is needed when accessing materials in the Library.

Court employees should use their assigned password to access WestlawNext. Public patrons can can access the Library's public subscription by making a reservation.

*Chicago Manual of Style 
The Chicago Manual of Style is completely searchable, providing quick answers to style and editing questions. No password is needed when accessing materials in the Library.

The Daily Reporter 
This online publication provides Franklin County legal news. Access to some stories and statistics is offered on the first page. Subscribers can search the archive for past news stories, court records, and legal notices.

*Hein Online 
Access hundreds of law reviews and journals, with many pre-dating coverage available on Lexis and Westlaw. Other resources available with this service include the Federal Register dating back to 1936, treaties and agreements, U.S. Attorney General opinions, legislative history, Statutes at Large, and a legal classics library. No password is needed when accessing materials in the Library.

*LLMC Digital 
LLMC Digital scans public domain legal documents. The online collections include federal, state, and territorial resources, along with some international and multi-jurisdictional materials. There is no password required to use this service.

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