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Permanency Docket Quarterly (PDQ)

The Permanency Docket Quarterly, produced jointly by the Supreme Court and the Ohio Department of Children and Youth, provides juvenile courts and county child welfare agencies with various key performance indicators concerning abused, neglected, and dependent children in the care of the courts. County-level data can be compared against other counties and the state as a whole.

Permanency Docket Quarterly


Ohio Department of Children and Youth
Website to the Department of Children and Youth with resources on Ohio’s services to assist with the safety and permanency of children, youth and vulnerable adults.

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Enhanced Resource Guidelines
Publication identifying best practices at each step of the case process in abuse, neglect and dependency cases.

American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law
Website provides resources, research, and tools to improve court and legal practices related to child and family law.

Toolkit for Court Performance Measures in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases
Website provides guidance on court performance measures for child abuse and neglect cases and how to implement a performance measurement process.

Child Welfare Information Gateway
Website provides information on practices, research, and tools on topics related to child welfare

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