Dispute Resolution Education & Training
Please check this Web page for all updates
Questions or special accommodations?
Please contact Kevin Lottes at kevin.lottes@sc.ohio.gov or 614.387.9420.
NOTE: All training will be offered in an online platform. Participants who register for training through OhioCourtEDU will be notified of login instructions upon registration confirmation.
Involving Children in the Parenting Coordination Process
May 6, 2025
Course Description:
Appropriate and safe involvement of children in parenting coordination has been controversial and fraught with lack of guidance. This seminar presents a protocol for determining when, if, and how to bring the child’s “voice” and perspective into parenting coordination while giving careful considerations to confidentiality and risk management. Research from other dispute resolution processes which include the child’s voice will be highlighted along with specific procedures for maintaining the child’s trust and ensuring appropriate boundaries.
Dr. Debra Carter is a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, licensed in Florida since 1987. She is also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator and a Parent Coordinator. She is co-founder and Chief Clinical Director of the National Cooperative Parenting Center (NCPC) offering a wide spectrum of services to the mental health and legal communities as well as to families and children who are struggling with divorce related issues. She is a Qualified Parenting Coordinator Trainer, a frequent expert to the court, and an in-demand speaker and lecturer on parenting in divorce. Dr. Carter is the leader in the development of standardized Parental Responsibility Guidelines emphasizing the needs of children in divorce, which have been adopted and endorsed by the court. The Florida Psychological Association has honored her with the following awards: the Child, Adolescent, and Family Division "Outstanding Contributions Award" (1998), "Psychologist of the Year" (1999), "Distinguished Psychologist" and "Outstanding Work in the Profession of Psychology" (2001), and "Exceptional Legislative Efforts" (2004). She received the prestigious "Presidents Award" from the Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts in 2010, and the International Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts awarded her with the "John E. Van Duzer Distinguished Service Award," also in 2010. Dr. Carter is the author of Parenting Coordination: A Practical Guide for Family Law Professionals published in February, 2011 by Springer Publishing, several articles on empirically-based parenting plans, parenting coordination and family law matters.
Credit Hours:
3.0 general CLE credits
Start and End Times:
9 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Advanced Parenting Coordination Training - Helping Families and Avoiding Vicarious Trauma: Implications for Parenting Coordinators
Nov. 13, 2025
Course Description:
Parenting coordination can be an emotionally challenging profession, which may involve professional threats, assaults on competence, and harassment. This workshop provides professionals with the necessary tools and strategies to combat biases, safeguard objectivity, and heighten risk management while working with high-conflict parents. The workshop will also focus on what it means to be multiculturally competent, along with tools to recognize signs and mitigate risks of compassion fatigue.
Dr. Debra Carter is a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, licensed in Florida since 1987. She is also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator and a Parent Coordinator. She is co-founder and Chief Clinical Director of the National Cooperative Parenting Center (NCPC) offering a wide spectrum of services to the mental health and legal communities as well as to families and children who are struggling with divorce related issues. She is a Qualified Parenting Coordinator Trainer, a frequent expert to the court, and an in-demand speaker and lecturer on parenting in divorce. Dr. Carter is the leader in the development of standardized Parental Responsibility Guidelines emphasizing the needs of children in divorce, which have been adopted and endorsed by the court. The Florida Psychological Association has honored her with the following awards: the Child, Adolescent, and Family Division "Outstanding Contributions Award" (1998), "Psychologist of the Year" (1999), "Distinguished Psychologist" and "Outstanding Work in the Profession of Psychology" (2001), and "Exceptional Legislative Efforts" (2004). She received the prestigious "Presidents Award" from the Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts in 2010, and the International Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts awarded her with the "John E. Van Duzer Distinguished Service Award," also in 2010. Dr. Carter is the author of Parenting Coordination: A Practical Guide for Family Law Professionals published in February, 2011 by Springer Publishing, several articles on empirically-based parenting plans, parenting coordination and family law matters.
Credit Hours:
3.0 general CLE credits
Start and End Times:
9 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Tuition and Materials:
This webinar is free. Materials are provided electronically.
Questions? Contact Kevin Lottes at Kevin.Lottes@sc.ohio.gov
Involving Children in the Parenting Coordination Process
May 6, 2025
Course Description:
Appropriate and safe involvement of children in parenting coordination has been controversial and fraught with lack of guidance. This seminar presents a protocol for determining when, if, and how to bring the child’s “voice” and perspective into parenting coordination while giving careful considerations to confidentiality and risk management. Research from other dispute resolution processes which include the child’s voice will be highlighted along with specific procedures for maintaining the child’s trust and ensuring appropriate boundaries.
Dr. Debra Carter is a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, licensed in Florida since 1987. She is also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator and a Parent Coordinator. She is co-founder and Chief Clinical Director of the National Cooperative Parenting Center (NCPC) offering a wide spectrum of services to the mental health and legal communities as well as to families and children who are struggling with divorce related issues. She is a Qualified Parenting Coordinator Trainer, a frequent expert to the court, and an in-demand speaker and lecturer on parenting in divorce. Dr. Carter is the leader in the development of standardized Parental Responsibility Guidelines emphasizing the needs of children in divorce, which have been adopted and endorsed by the court. The Florida Psychological Association has honored her with the following awards: the Child, Adolescent, and Family Division "Outstanding Contributions Award" (1998), "Psychologist of the Year" (1999), "Distinguished Psychologist" and "Outstanding Work in the Profession of Psychology" (2001), and "Exceptional Legislative Efforts" (2004). She received the prestigious "Presidents Award" from the Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts in 2010, and the International Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts awarded her with the "John E. Van Duzer Distinguished Service Award," also in 2010. Dr. Carter is the author of Parenting Coordination: A Practical Guide for Family Law Professionals published in February, 2011 by Springer Publishing, several articles on empirically-based parenting plans, parenting coordination and family law matters.
Credit Hours:
3.0 general CLE credits
Start and End Times:
9 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Advanced Parenting Coordination Training - Helping Families and Avoiding Vicarious Trauma: Implications for Parenting Coordinators
Nov. 13, 2025
Course Description:
Parenting coordination can be an emotionally challenging profession, which may involve professional threats, assaults on competence, and harassment. This workshop provides professionals with the necessary tools and strategies to combat biases, safeguard objectivity, and heighten risk management while working with high-conflict parents. The workshop will also focus on what it means to be multiculturally competent, along with tools to recognize signs and mitigate risks of compassion fatigue.
Dr. Debra Carter is a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, licensed in Florida since 1987. She is also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator and a Parent Coordinator. She is co-founder and Chief Clinical Director of the National Cooperative Parenting Center (NCPC) offering a wide spectrum of services to the mental health and legal communities as well as to families and children who are struggling with divorce related issues. She is a Qualified Parenting Coordinator Trainer, a frequent expert to the court, and an in-demand speaker and lecturer on parenting in divorce. Dr. Carter is the leader in the development of standardized Parental Responsibility Guidelines emphasizing the needs of children in divorce, which have been adopted and endorsed by the court. The Florida Psychological Association has honored her with the following awards: the Child, Adolescent, and Family Division "Outstanding Contributions Award" (1998), "Psychologist of the Year" (1999), "Distinguished Psychologist" and "Outstanding Work in the Profession of Psychology" (2001), and "Exceptional Legislative Efforts" (2004). She received the prestigious "Presidents Award" from the Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts in 2010, and the International Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts awarded her with the "John E. Van Duzer Distinguished Service Award," also in 2010. Dr. Carter is the author of Parenting Coordination: A Practical Guide for Family Law Professionals published in February, 2011 by Springer Publishing, several articles on empirically-based parenting plans, parenting coordination and family law matters.
Credit Hours:
3.0 general CLE credits
Tuition and Materials:
This webinar is free. Materials are provided electronically.
Questions? Contact Kevin Lottes at Kevin.Lottes@sc.ohio.gov
- Nov. 12-13; 18-19, 2025
Who Should Attend:
Individuals who are interested in learning how to mediate abuse, neglect, and dependency cases in a court setting.
Course Description:
Participants will discuss the legal and social theories behind mediating this case type, explain the various stakeholders that need to be involved both in program planning and in the mediation process, and practice conducting these multi-party mediations. Topics will include terminology related to Ohio dependency law, the court process, mediating within statutory parameters, domestic abuse, child abuse, impact of socio-economic and diversity factors, and strengthening community resources and referral systems.
This training is required under Rule 16.22 and 16.23 of the Rules of Superintendence for the courts of Ohio, for all mediators who wish to receive child protection mediation referrals from an Ohio court.
Training Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Establish an appropriate process to conduct child protection mediation;
- Identify the parties necessary for child protection mediation;
- Explain the role of all participants in child protection mediation; and
- Demonstrate an appropriate child protection mediation in a role play scenario.
Prior to attending this course, the following pre-requisites must be met:
- Fundamentals in Mediation Training (or equivalent as set forth in Rule 16.23(A) of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio);
- Specialized Family or Divorce Mediation Training;
- Specialized Domestic Abuse Issues and Mediation Training;
- ADR: Overview of Child Protection Mediation;
- ADR: Parties in Child Protection Mediation;
- ADR: Specialized Dockets in Child Protection Mediation;
- ADR: Ethics in Child Protection Mediation; and
- ADR: Statutes and Rules in Child Protection Mediation
Credit Hours:
Approval has been requested for 28.0 total CLE credit hours, including 1.0 hours of professional conduct.
This course is tuition-free. Materials are sent to participants via email a week prior to the training dates.
Start and End Times:
8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. each day
- April 23-24, 2025
- Oct. 8-9, 2025
Who Should Attend:
Individuals who are interested in learning how to mediate family cases in a court setting.
Course Description:
The Domestic Abuse Issues and Mediation training curriculum is a blended learning approach consisting of an online learning course followed by a two-day live interactive classroom training program. This training is designed to provide both substantive and experiential learning to participants on the importance of identifying and appropriately responding to domestic abuse issues in mediation (note: mediation of the domestic abuse itself is never appropriate).
Faculty uses a combination of lecture, interactive large group discussion, small group work, and role plays to ensure that participants not only understand how domestic abuse issues effect mediation, but are able to incorporate and apply what they are learning in a safe and supportive environment.
This training is required under Rule 16.22 and 16.23 of the Rules of Superintendence for the courts of Ohio, for all mediators who wish to receive family law mediation referrals from an appellate court, court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court.
Training Objectives:
Upon completion of this training session, participants will be able to:
- Screen for and recognize dynamics of domestic abuse used for coercive control during intake and through ongoing mediation sessions;
- Understand why a history of domestic abuse by one party against a current or former intimate partner is presumed to make mediation an inappropriate means of dispute resolution;
- Identify whether an abused party who nonetheless wants to mediate is able to safely and meaningfully participate in the process;
- Be able to implement a range of accommodations to enhance safety of all participants during screening and throughout mediation, and to safely terminate mediation when continuing is inappropriate.
Prior to attending this course, the following pre-requisites must be met:
- Fundamentals of Mediation Training (or equivalent as set forth in Rule 16.23(A) of the Rules of Superintendence for the courts of Ohio);
- ADR: Domestic Abuse Issues in Mediation 2024
Credit Hours:
Approved for 13.50 CLE general credit hours.
This course is tuition-free. Materials are sent to participants via email a week prior to the training dates.
Start and End Times:
8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. each day
Goldilocks and the "Just Right" Dispute Resolution Process: Supported Decision-Making, Elder Mediation, and Eldercaring Coordination
Course Description:
It is no fairy tale when concerns regarding an aging loved one rise to the surface. This training highlights various dispute resolution options geared to the plot twists and turns as older family members age. Although many families can work together to provide supportive decision-making with respect to the elder’s wishes, many require more assistance. Specifically trained elder mediators can facilitate agreements regarding estate and personal documents, care, and logistical issues to address the needs of older adults. As the plot thickens, Eldercaring Coordination, a dispute resolution process specifically developed for families in higher conflict over the care and safety of an aging loved one, can be helpful. Take part in an inventory of well-being to more fully understand the effects of conflict and harmful family dynamics on health, care, safety and capacity. This training will show how conflict and harmful family dynamics can cause havoc in the outcomes for elders and the multigenerations in their families. Learn the ethical responsibilities of trained dispute resolution professionals and the roles they can perform for the growing aging population.
Sue Bronson and Linda Fieldstone, Co-Chairs
ACR/FLAFCC Elder Justice Initiative on Eldercaring Coordination
Credit Hours:
Approval will be requested for 3.0 hours of general CLE credit hours.
This course is tuition-free. Materials are sent to participants via email a week prior to the training dates.
Start and End Times:
1-4:15 p.m. on Zoom
- Jan. 28-29, 2025
- Feb. 26-27, 2025
- March 25-26, 2025
- May 20-21, 2025
- Aug. 26-27, 2025
- Oct. 29-30, 2025
Who Should Attend:
Individuals who are interested in learning how to mediate cases in a court setting.
Course Description:
The Fundamentals of Mediation training curriculum is a blended learning approach consisting of online learning followed by a two-day live interactive classroom training program.
Throughout this blending training curriculum, participants will be introduced to concepts that support the practice of mediation including conflict theory, negotiation and power, communication. This training will introduce core values of mediation and continually reinforce the importance of respecting mediation core values.
This training is highly interactive and fosters participation through group discussion and involvement in small group mediation role play and exercises. Mediation role plays and exercises are drawn from a variety of court mediation practices, giving participants familiarity with the different settings in which courts use mediation.
This training is required under Rule 16.22 and 16.23 of the Rules of Superintendence for the courts of Ohio, for all mediators who wish to receive family law mediation referrals from an appellate court, court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court.
Training Objectives:
Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:
- Identify the theory and process of mediation using a six-stage mediation model
- Apply effective techniques to address common mediation challenges
- Address safety concerns
- Appreciate differences of mediation participants
- Recognize and manage compassion fatigue
Prior to attending this course, the following pre-requisites must be met:
- Complete the online courses on OhioCourtEDU:
Credit Hours:
Approval has been requested for 13.0 CLE credit hours, including one hour of professional conduct.
This course is tuition-free. Materials are sent to participants via email a week prior to the training dates.
Start and End Times:
8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. each day
Who Should Attend:
Individuals who are interested in learning how to conduct a neutral evaluation process in civil or family law cases in a court setting and court staff considering establishing a neutral evaluation program in their court.
There are no prerequisites to attend this course; however, those interested in becoming a neutral evaluator must comply with the training provisions in Sup.R. 16.53.
Course Description:
The course will provide a “nuts and bolts” of neutral evaluation. It will begin with a review of the new Neutral Evaluation Rules of Superintendence, Sup.R. 16.50-16.55, and local rule and other requirements for courts wishing to establish a neutral evaluation program. Participants will discuss a sample local rule governing neutral evaluation; review documents and forms used for case management; explore the roles of the various participants; and consider how to prepare litigants and attorneys to resolve their cases using the neutral evaluation process. In addition, the presenters will explore with participants the benefits and challenges from each of their diverse perspectives within the court. This workshop will also feature a mock demonstration of a neutral evaluation session.
Credit Hours:
Approval has been requested for 3.0 total general CLE credit hours.
This course is tuition-free. Materials are sent to participants via email a week prior to the training dates.
- Sept. 25-26, 2025
Who Should Attend:
Individuals who are interested in learning how to mediate cases in a family court setting.
Course Description:
This training will take participants through the process, activities, and role of a Parenting Coordinator and the information and skills relevant to the services of a Parenting Coordinator. Within this format, participants will receive information focusing on the psychological dynamics of the parents and the impact of the conflict on the children. The workshop will emphasize the practical aspects of serving as a parenting coordinator. The use of parenting coordination in cases with allegations of domestic violence, alienation and child abuse will be discussed, as well as the types of cases that are not appropriate for parenting coordination. This training will also discuss the ethical issues inherent in this role and present an overview of standards of practice.
In order to attend this course, the following pre-requisites must be met:
- Fundamentals in Mediation Training (or equivalent as set forth in Rule 16.23(A) of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio);
- Specialized Family or Divorce Mediation Training; and
- Specialized Domestic Abuse Issues and Mediation Training
This course is tuition-free. Materials are sent to participants via email a week prior to the training dates.
Credit Hours:
Approval has been requested for 12.0 total general CLE credit hours, including 1.0 hours of professional conduct.
June 24-25, 2025
Who Should Attend:
Individuals who are interested in learning how to mediate school attendance issues.
There are no pre-requisites to attend this training; however, it is recommended that participants take the Fundamentals of Mediation training [ONLINE] modules found in OhioCourtEDU prior to attending this training.
Course Description:
This course is designed to prepare professional mediators to navigate the situations commonly encountered by students, schools, and families when confronted with barriers that may hinder school attendance.
This training is required under Rule 16.22 and 16.23 of the Rules of Superintendence for the courts of Ohio for all mediators who wish to receive school attendance mediation referrals from a juvenile court in Ohio.
Training Objectives:
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Know the legislative framework for attendance in Ohio;
- Gain competency in conducting school attendance mediations; and
- Reinforce mediation core values and standards for school attendance cases.
Credit Hours:
Approval has been requested for general CLE credit hours, including hours of professional conduct.
This course is tuition-free. Materials are sent to participants via email a week prior to the training dates.
Start and End Times:
8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. each day
- March 12-13; 19-20, 2025
- Sept. 9-10; 16-17, 2025
Who Should Attend:
Individuals who are interested in learning how to mediate family cases in a court setting.
Course Description:
The Specialized Family or Divorce Mediation training curriculum is a blended learning approach consisting of three online learning modules followed by a four-day live interactive classroom training program. Throughout this blending training curriculum, participants will be introduced to concepts that support the practice of mediation in family law cases including an overview of the theory and process framing divorce or family mediation, an introduction to family systems, family dynamics, and child development in the context of mediation, and an overview of the statutes, rules, standards and ethics of governing mediation in family cases. This training is an advanced training that will cover all aspects of mediation in family law cases.
This training is required under Rule 16.22 and 16.23 of the Rules of Superintendence for the courts of Ohio for all mediators who wish to receive family mediation referrals from a domestic relations or juvenile court in Ohio.
Training Objectives:
Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:
- Apply the theory and process of mediation to family and divorce cases;
- Recognize the statutes, rules, standards and ethics that apply to family and divorce cases;
- Use effective communication in family and divorce mediation;
- Demonstrate appropriate screening and safety techniques; and
- Know the impact of substance abuse and mental health issues, child development, and high conflict personalities on mediation in family law cases.
Prior to attending this course, the following pre-requisites must be met:
- Fundamentals in Mediation Training (or equivalent as set forth in Rule 16.23(A) of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio); and
- Complete the following online learning modules available on OhioCourtEDU prior to the in-person classroom learning:
Credit Hours
Approval has been requested for 28 total CLE credit hours, including 1.25 hours of professional conduct.
This course is tuition-free. Materials are sent to participants via email a week prior to the training dates.
Start and End Times:
8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. each day