Specialized Dockets
The Specialized Dockets Section provides technical support to trial courts in analyzing the need for, planning of, and implementation and certification of specialized docket programs.
Certification is granted when the written materials submitted by each court and observations made during the site review demonstrate compliance with the certification standards. Topics that are not expressly set forth in the certification standards are not evaluated.
National Best Practices Resources
Specialized Dockets Guidance Reentry Drug Court
Concurrent Supervision in a Specialized Docket (2024)
Response for Ohio Courts on Opioid and Other Drug Overdoses (2022)
Racial and Ethnic Disparities Guidance for Specialized Dockets (2021)
Constitutional Rights of Participants Guidance (March 2021)
Substance Monitoring Guidance (March 2021)
Principles for the Use of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in Drug Courts (March 2021)
Core Components of Domestic Violence Courts: A National Perspective for Ohio Courts (March 2021)
Domestic Violence Drug Court Guiding Document (March 2021)
Specialized Dockets Data Collection Application
- Specialized Dockets Data Collection and Reporting Webinar (Video)
- Specialized Dockets Data Collection and Reporting Webinar (PDF)
- Specialized Dockets Data Collection and Reporting Instructions (PDF)
- Specialized Dockets Data Collection and Reporting Child Welfare Measures (Video)
- Specialized Dockets Data Collection and Reporting Child Welfare Measures (PDF)
- Specialized Dockets Data Collection and Reporting Child Welfare Measures Instructions (PDF)
- Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Information
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 South Front Street, 6th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-3431
Sam Campbell, Esq.
Policy Counsel:
Ryan Stickel, Esq.
Policy Counsel:
Sara Smith, Esq.
Policy Analyst:
Alyssa Guthrie
Policy Analyst:
Ashley Kerr
Program Coordinator:
Sarah Jeu