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Specialized Dockets Conference

Oct. 25, 2024

The Ohio State University • The Ohio Union
1739 North High Street • Columbus, Ohio 43210

Registration for the conference is FREE. Registration will close two weeks prior to the event. If you need to cancel your registration, please contact Sarah Jeu at

No Weapons
For the Specialized Dockets Conference, please do not bring weapons.

Internet Access
There is a public wifi network available: WiFi@OSU. The instructions for accessing the network are provided below:

  1. From your device's wireless connection utility, choose to connect to WiFi@OSU. No password is required.
  2. After waiting 10-15 seconds to establish a connection, open up a Web browser. Most devices will automatically be redirected to an authentication page. If this does not occur within 30 seconds of opening your browser, type "" into the browser's address bar.
  3. Upon reaching the authentication page and reviewing the terms and conditions, check the box under the "Guests" column and click "Log-in."

Continuing Education Credits
CLE, CEU, and COB hours will be requested for the conference sessions. The total possible credit hours are 6.00 hours. Additional information on approved hours will be updated with the session information as it is received.

Parking Information
The closest parking options are the Ohio Union South Parking Garage or the Ohio Union North Parking Garage and pull the parking ticket as normal. Parking validation/reimbursement will not be included as part of the conference. Please note shuttle service is available to the Ohio Union from the hotels.

Receipts for paid parking are offered from the payment machine at the time of payment. If a receipt is not printed, you can email with the time, date, garage location, and amount charged to receive a copy of your receipt via email.

Current parking garage information can be found at As of 8/21/2024, the daily max rate for the Ohio Union North and South garages is $18.50 and a lost ticket fee is $46.25.

Staybridge Suites Columbus OSU-Medical Center
3125 Olentangy River Road Columbus, OH 43202
To reserve a room for Oct. 24, click on the button below using group code OSC or call 614.262.6900 and refer to the Supreme Court group block.
Rooms must be paid by the individual.

Reserve a Room

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Columbus OSU-Medical Center
3045 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH 43202
To reserve a room for Oct. 24 click on the button below using group code SUP or call 614.447.1212 and refer to the Supreme Court group block.
Rooms must be paid by the individual.

Reserve a Room

Contact Information

Specialized Dockets Section
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 South Front Street, 6th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-3431

Sam Campbell, Esq.

Policy Counsel:
Ryan Stickel, Esq.

Policy Counsel:
Sara Smith, Esq.

Policy Analyst:
Alyssa Guthrie

Policy Analyst:
Ashley Kerr

Program Coordinator:
Sarah Jeu

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