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Information for Probate Courts and Approved Providers

For Local Courts Only

Courts or court-approved providers are encouraged to schedule and host education in their own communities using materials from the Supreme Court of Ohio free of charge. Materials for the following courses are currently available:

This course examines some common scenarios to demonstrate concrete steps guardians can take to advocate and resolve conflicts for their wards. As a result of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify how advocacy and conflict resolution are addressed in the Rules of Superintendence;
  2. Explain how effective communication and family dynamics impact advocacy and conflict;
  3. Apply advocacy and conflict resolution skills to common scenarios; and
  4. List resources that can assist with advocacy and conflict resolution in various situations.

Alzheimer’s disease is now the sixth leading cause of death among all U.S. adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Furthermore, the impact of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia is likely to increase significantly in the next few decades as our population ages. Because cognitive decline is a primary symptom, many people with the disease will need a guardian to manage their affairs. This three hour course provides an overview of the symptoms, detection, and treatment for Alzheimer’s and other dementias, including ways to detect it early and slow the progression. It also provides practical suggestions for relating to people with dementia as well as resources to help both patients and caregivers.

As a result of participating in this course, you should be able to:

  1. Identify signs, symptoms, and treatments for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
  2. Explain methods for interacting with individuals living with Alzheimer’s and dementia
  3. Describe resources available to help caregivers and patients

The National Center for Elder Abuse defines abuse as “any knowing, intentional or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person resulting in harm or serious harm to a vulnerable adult” (National Center on Elder Abuse, 2010). Types of abuse can be categorized as physical, sexual, emotional or psychological, neglect, abandonment, or financial abuse. This webinar will provide participants with understanding of the signs and symptoms of elder abuse, the misconceptions and myths associated with elder abuse, and the skills necessary to respond effectively to the needs of the older people they serve.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify signs of possible abuse, neglect and exploitation of an older victim;
  2. Examine the unique barriers that challenge older victims and ways to overcome these barriers.
  3. Explain methods for reporting abuse, neglect, or exploitation; and
  4. Describe ways to protect seniors from scams, exploitation and abuse.

Guardians are used to making difficult decisions on behalf of the person under their care. However, the decisions that arise at the end of life can be the most emotional and overwhelming challenges guardians face. This three hour course will help guardians prepare for the complex choices that go along with the final illness and death of a loved one.

As a result of participating in this course, guardians will be able to:

  1. Identify legal responsibilities of guardians when the person under their care is ill or passes away;
  2. Discuss medical decisions associated with serious illness and palliative care;
  3. Explain factors to consider when selecting long term care facilities or hospice care; and
  4. Describe options related to memorial services and the final disposition of the person under your care.

The National Guardianship Association's (NGA's) mission is to advance the nationally recognized standard of excellence in guardianship. As part of that mission, the NGA establishes and promotes nationally recognized standards that encourage the highest levels of integrity and competence among guardians. This webinar will feature guardians and other professionals from around Ohio who examine each of the 10 NGA Ethical Principles in detail. It will also include a live question and answer session with Hon. James T. Walther of Lorain County Probate Court.

As a result of participating in this course, guardians will be able to:

  1. Describe ways guardians can treat the people they serve with the greatest amount of dignity;
  2. Identify how to maximize the person’s freedom, goals, and independence while involving the person in decision making; and
  3. Examine the importance of managing finances and property on behalf of the person.

Every year, thousands of consumers fall prey to financial scams that rob them of millions of dollars. Among the most targeted are the elderly and disabled. This 3-hour course will provide guardians with strategies, tools, and resources for avoiding the most common scams and offer remedies available to those who are the victims of financial victimization.

 As a result of participating in this course, guardians will be able to:

  •  Identify common scams and how to avoid them;
  • Respond to people involved in scams;
  • Identify how to report scams and abuse; and
  • Identify how to prevent scams and abuse.

This course has been approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 6.00 total CLE hour(s) instruction. This course is not approved for Judicial College hours.

This tuition-free online, self-study continuing education course will take approximately six (6) hours to complete and will address fundamental topics about adult guardianship in Ohio.

All guardians are tasked with the extremely important responsibility of making critical decisions for another person, while focusing on protecting and preserving the rights of the individual being served. Uniform education will guide guardians to fulfill their duties in a way that is consistent with national standards and Ohio’s rules for courts. Ultimately, the result is to provide you, in your role as guardian, the information and tools to ensure that your decisions are grounded on the best interests of Ohio citizens under your care.

As a result of participating in this course, you should be able to:

  1. Identify the process of establishing adult guardianship
  2. Determine responsibilities and reporting requirements of guardians of adults
  3. Discuss appropriate resources for persons under care
  4. Describe best practices in specific situations

How can a guardian navigate the complex web of government benefits to ensure the person under their care has everything they need and everything for which they are eligible? This 3-hour course explores the basics of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicare, Medicaid, and benefits for veterans. As a result of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe benefits available through programs administered by the Social Security Administration, the Ohio Department of Medicaid, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Ohio Department of Veterans Services;
  • Identify whether persons under their care are eligible for benefits;
  • Take the appropriate steps to apply for benefits; and
  • Find resources to further assist the persons under their care.

This three hour course is designed to provide guardians of adults the fundamentals of managing finances and preserving the income and assets of a person under their care.

As a result of participating in this course, you should be able to:

  1. Identify the steps to locate the assets of a person under care
  2. Complete an accurate inventory
  3. Identify the steps to complete monthly records in order to support accurate annual accounts
  4. Identify the steps to properly manage the finances of a person under care
  5. Complete an accurate Annual Guardian’s Account

Locating suitable housing can be a challenge for guardians and the people they serve. This three-hour course will assist guardians with navigating community-based housing options in Ohio. Faculty will focus on potential considerations when selecting housing, housing programs specifically designed for people with disabilities, subsidized housing options, use of fair housing tools to remove barriers to housing, and lease signing. The course will also include a demonstration of the Ohio Housing Locator.

As a result of participating in this course, guardians will be able to:

  1. Describe practical considerations related to searching for housing;
  2. Summarize legal rights and protections related to housing, including reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications;
  3. Explain housing programs available to specific populations through Ohio state agencies;
  4. Discuss subsidized housing programs offered through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and
  5. Identify unique housing issues that may arise for guardians, such as determining who signs the lease.

This three hour course is designed to provide guardians of adults with the fundamentals of the system to support individuals with developmental disabilities.

As a result of participating in this course, you should be able to:

  1. Describe the core elements of the system in place to support adults with developmental disabilities
  2. Identify the rights of individuals with developmental disabilities
  3. Identify the criteria used to determine eligibility for County Board Developmental Disability programs
  4. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the team to support an individual with a developmental disability
  5. Recognize the eligibility criteria for available services
  6. Recognize key approaches to resolve disputes

As a guardian, you are often called upon to make decisions involving medical care. This course provides information about effectively managing medications, including questions to ask, tools to help you learn about specific drugs, and information about specific classes of drugs. It also provides an ethical framework that will help you understand your role as an advocate. You will learn questions to ask and methods that ensure you communicate the wishes and best interests of the person under your care. Also included is an overview of the roles that various health care providers play in a hospital setting.

As a result of participating in this Judicial College Medications and Medical Advocacy Course, you should be able to:

  1. Be an advocate when evaluating medications and medical procedures in terms of safety and quality of life
  2. Learn about tools that help you better understand potential risks of drug therapy
  3. Gain confidence to approach medical staff with questions or concerns
  4. Understand and navigate the hospital system
  5. Ethically represent the wishes and best interests of the person for whom you are a guardian

Mental illness can be debilitating and mystifying for both the people that suffer from it and for their loved ones. Additionally, it impacts a broad section of our society. According to government statistics, every year 4-5 percent of Ohioans suffer from a severe mental illness. This three-hour course will help guardians build their understanding of mental health conditions, develop coping techniques, and better advocate for the people under their care.

As a result of participating in this course, you should be able to:

  1. Discuss mental health conditions that most often result in guardianship as well as their treatment;
  2. Explain methods for interacting with people suffering from mental illness;
  3. Describe mental health court programs available in Ohio; and
  4. Identify resources outside the court system to help people under your care.

Guardians often find themselves in the challenging dilemma of remaining person-centered while navigating legal lines and maintaining protective responsibilities. This course focuses on how to best proceed in scenarios that don’t have single, clear, black-and-white solutions. As a result of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Prioritize the goals, needs, and preferences of individuals under their care, per national standards, even in challenging situations;
  • Follow legal and ethical guidelines in confronting issues with individuals under their care;
  • Use decision-making models in determining the appropriate resolution to those issues; and
  • Interact with the courts as required or appropriate in resolving issues.

Financial management is a core responsibility for guardians, and the stakes can be high when the person under your care receives means-tested government benefits. This recorded webinar covers several primary methods for protecting the assets of disabled people, including Ohio STABLE accounts, special needs trusts (SNTs), and other planning strategies.

As a result of participating in this course, you should be able to:

  1. Discuss the benefits, limits, and requirements of STABLE accounts; and
  2. Describe how SNTs preserve benefits while accomplishing other goals for the person and their family.

Video replays do not carry CLE accreditation by default. Participating courts or court-approved providers may act as the sponsor and apply for CLE credit.

To host a course, local sites must:

  • (Optional) Apply for CLE accreditation at least 60 days before the training via the Sponsor Portal.
  • Notify the Judicial College when the course will be held by emailing
  • Download course videos and manuals or submit an order form for print manuals (see below).
  • Have a person familiar with the materials facilitate the course in a location with the necessary capacity and technology.
  • (Optional) Request attendance CLE credit for participants within 30 days after the training.

For more information on CLE accreditation, see: How to Apply for Accreditation of a CLE Program Information for Sponsors or contact the Office of Attorney Services at or at 614.387.9320.

Course Materials



  1. Click the Download button above.
  2. Click on  the video you need.
  3. Click the blue Download button below the video at right to see available versions.
  4. Right-click on the desired version and select Save Link As… or Save Target As… to download the .mp4 file to the desired location on your computer.

Videos are large, high-definition files. To request a link to a smaller file, email


Download Order

  1. Click the Download button above.
  2. Click the blue Download button in the middle of the black box, and the manual will open in another tab.
  3. Right-click anywhere on the manual and select Save to download the .pdf file to the desired location on your computer.

To order a manual:

  1. Click the Order button above.
  2. Complete and submit the electronic form to receive printed manuals by mail.

If the primary language of a guardian is a language besides English, including sign language, the Judicial College can provide alternative training options. For assistance, please email at least one month prior to your court's compliance deadline.

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