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This search returned 117 rows. Rows per page: 
Case CaptionCase No.Topics and IssuesAuthorCitation / CountyDecidedPostedWebCite
03/25/2025 Case Announcements  Merit decisions with opinions.   3/25/2025 3/25/2025 2025-Ohio-1024
State ex rel. Duncan v. Chambers-Smith 2024-0518Mandamus—Jail-time credit—Appellant failed to establish entitlement to writ—Alleged errors regarding award of jail-time credit not cognizable in mandamus—Court of appeals’ judgment affirmed.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2025-Ohio-978 3/25/2025 3/25/2025 2025-Ohio-978
State ex rel. Watkins v. McNamara 2024-0585Prohibition—Writ cannot be issued against appellee-prosecutor because she does not exercise judicial or quasi-judicial power—Inmate not entitled to writ against appellee-judge because judge had subject-matter jurisdiction to rule on inmate’s motion for final, appealable order and inmate had adequate remedy in ordinary course of law by appeal—Court of appeals’ dismissal of petition affirmed.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2025-Ohio-979 3/25/2025 3/25/2025 2025-Ohio-979
03/24/2025 Case Announcements  Affidavits of disqualification.   3/24/2025 3/24/2025 2025-Ohio-1004
03/24/2025 Case Announcements #2  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/24/2025 3/24/2025 2025-Ohio-1005
In re Lewis 2025-0392On certification of default of child support order.   3/21/2025 3/21/2025 2025-Ohio-977
03/21/2025 Case Announcements  Motion and procedural rulings—Disciplinary cases.   3/21/2025 3/21/2025 2025-Ohio-982
03/20/2025 Administrative Actions  Administrative actions.   3/20/2025 3/20/2025 2025-Ohio-943
03/20/2025 Case Announcements  Merit decisions with opinions—Motion and procedural rulings.   3/20/2025 3/20/2025 2025-Ohio-945
Disciplinary Counsel v. Kegley 2024-1721Judges—Misconduct—Violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct—Conditionally stayed six-month suspension.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2025-Ohio-910 3/20/2025 3/20/2025 2025-Ohio-910
State ex rel. Porteous v. Franklin Cty. Bd. of Elections 2025-0354Elections—Mandamus—Validation of signatures on nominating petition—Would-be candidate failed to show that board of elections abused its discretion in refusing to certify his name for placement on primary-election ballot or that board had duty to reconsider its decision at a public meeting or hearing—Writ denied.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2025-Ohio-939 3/19/2025 3/19/2025 2025-Ohio-939
State ex rel. Shamro v. Delaware Cty. Bd. of Elections 2025-0337Elections—Mandamus—R.C. 519.12(H)—Writ sought to compel board of elections to place a zoning referendum on primary-election ballot—Because referendum petition’s summary of zoning amendment was misleading, board of elections did not abuse its discretion or act in clear disregard of applicable legal provisions when it sustained protest against the petition and decertified the zoning referendum from ballot—Writ denied.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2025-Ohio-941 3/19/2025 3/19/2025 2025-Ohio-941
State ex rel. Clark v. Dept. of Rehab. & Corr. 2024-0184Mandamus—Public-records requests—R.C. 149.43—Public office failed to comply with its obligations under R.C. 149.43(B)—Limited writ granted and $1,000 in statutory damages awarded.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2025-Ohio-895 3/19/2025 3/19/2025 2025-Ohio-895
03/19/2025 Case Announcements  Merit decisions with opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Miscellaneous dismissals.   3/19/2025 3/19/2025 2025-Ohio-935
03/19/2025 Case Announcements #2  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/19/2025 3/19/2025 2025-Ohio-940
03/19/2025 Case Announcements #3  Merit decisions with opinions.   3/19/2025 3/19/2025 2025-Ohio-942
03/18/2025 Case Announcements  Merit decisions without opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Appeals accepted for review—Appeals not accepted for review.   3/18/2025 3/18/2025 2025-Ohio-857
Disciplinary Counsel v. Mariotti 2025-0079On certification of default.   3/18/2025 3/18/2025 2025-Ohio-896
In re Resignation of Walker 2025-0268Attorneys at law—Resignation with disciplinary action pending—Gov.Bar R. VI(11)(C).   3/18/2025 3/18/2025 2025-Ohio-900
03/18/2025 Case Announcements #2  Merit decisions with opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Disciplinary cases—Miscellaneous dismissals—Mediation matters.   3/18/2025 3/18/2025 2025-Ohio-903
03/18/2025 Case Announcements #3  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/18/2025 3/18/2025 2025-Ohio-904
State ex rel. Mobley v. Witt 2023-1566Mandamus—Public-records requests—Requester failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the requested records exist—Writ, statutory damages, and court costs denied—Prosecutor’s motion for sanctions denied.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2025-Ohio-868 3/18/2025 3/18/2025 2025-Ohio-868
03/17/2025 Case Announcements  Official versions released—Motion and procedural rulings.   3/17/2025 3/17/2025 2025-Ohio-873
03/17/2025 Case Announcements #2  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/17/2025 3/17/2025 2025-Ohio-906
03/17/2025 Case Announcements #3  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/17/2025 3/17/2025 2025-Ohio-909
03/14/2025 Case Announcements  Miscellaneous dismissals.   3/14/2025 3/14/2025 2025-Ohio-856
03/13/2025 Case Announcements  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/13/2025 3/13/2025 2025-Ohio-844
03/13/2025 Case Announcements #2  Merit decisions without opinions.   3/13/2025 3/13/2025 2025-Ohio-855
03/12/2025 Case Announcements  Motion and procedural rulings—Disciplinary cases—Miscellaneous dismissals.   3/12/2025 3/12/2025 2025-Ohio-817
03/12/2025 Case Announcements #2  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/12/2025 3/12/2025 2025-Ohio-824
03/12/2025 Case Announcements #3  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/12/2025 3/12/2025 2025-Ohio-826
03/11/2025 Case Announcements  Merit decisions with opinions.   3/11/2025 3/11/2025 2025-Ohio-815
03/11/2025 Case Announcements #2  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/11/2025 3/11/2025 2025-Ohio-816
State ex rel. New Carlisle v. Clark Cty. Bd. of Elections 2025-0247Mandamus—Elections—R.C. 718.04(C)(2)—Board of elections disregarded applicable law set forth in R.C. 718.04(C)(2) when it rejected city council’s request to have proposed ordinance for continuation of an excess municipal income tax placed on the May 6, 2025 primary-and-special-election ballot—Writ granted.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2025-Ohio-814 3/11/2025 3/11/2025 2025-Ohio-814
03/10/2025 Case Announcements  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/10/2025 3/10/2025 2025-Ohio-779
03/10/2025 Case Announcements #2  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/10/2025 3/10/2025 2025-Ohio-795
03/07/2025 Case Announcements  Motion and procedural rulings—Miscellaneous dismissals.   3/7/2025 3/7/2025 2025-Ohio-757
03/05/2025 Case Announcements  Motion and procedural rulings—Miscellaneous dismissals.   3/5/2025 3/5/2025 2025-Ohio-719
03/05/2025 Case Announcements #2  Merit decisions without opinions.   3/5/2025 3/5/2025 2025-Ohio-729
03/04/2025 Case Announcements  Merit decisions without opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Appeals accepted for review—Appeals not accepted for review.   3/4/2025 3/4/2025 2025-Ohio-705
03/04/2025 Administrative Actions  Administrative actions.   3/4/2025 3/4/2025 2025-Ohio-710
03/03/2025 Case Announcements  Official versions released—Motion and procedural rulings.   3/3/2025 3/3/2025 2025-Ohio-689
03/03/2025 Case Announcements #2  Motion and procedural rulings.   3/3/2025 3/3/2025 2025-Ohio-706
02/28/2025 Administrative Actions  Administrative actions.   2/28/2025 2/28/2025 2025-Ohio-673
State ex rel. Robinson v. Page 2024-1335Prohibition—Mandamus—Appellant’s statement purporting to set forth balance of his inmate account for each of the preceding six months lacks the cashier’s certification required by R.C. 2969.25(C)(1)—Court of appeals’ judgment dismissing complaint affirmed.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2025-Ohio-623 2/27/2025 2/27/2025 2025-Ohio-623
02/27/2025 Case Announcements  Merit decisions with opinions.   2/27/2025 2/27/2025 2025-Ohio-636
02/26/2025 Case Announcements  Merit decisions with opinions—Merit decisions without opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Appeals accepted for review—Appeals not accepted for review.   2/26/2025 2/26/2025 2025-Ohio-598
02/26/2025 Case Announcements #2  Motion and procedural rulings—Miscellaneous dismissals—Mediation matters.   2/26/2025 2/26/2025 2025-Ohio-627
02/26/2025 Case Announcements #3  Motion and procedural rulings.   2/26/2025 2/26/2025 2025-Ohio-635
02/26/2025 Case Announcements #4  Motion and procedural rulings.   2/26/2025 2/26/2025 2025-Ohio-637